inMotion Gaming » inMotion Gaming Online Gaming Magazine! Fri, 07 Oct 2016 03:33:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Farewell to LucasArts Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:48:25 +0000 ]]> The closure of any games developer is both regretful and telling. In an era where video games are becoming more and more accepted by mainstream society, the news of one shutting its doors is distressing. With the popularity of gaming on the rise, shouldn’t these developers flourish?

As of April 3rd 2013, one of the biggest names in the gaming industry—LucasArts—is no more. Rather, it won’t be creating games anymore. The studio’s staff of 150 were laid off and its new parent company, Disney, is using the name LucasArts as a licensing firm—so that third party companies can create games having to do with Star Wars, Indiana Jones and so on.

Although the studio was never as large or successful as say, Electronic Arts, it will always be remembered as one of the pioneers of modern video gaming. Out of respect for LucasArts’ brilliant minds and people, we at inMotion Gaming have compiled a list of some of our favorite games to ever be developed and/or published by this truly legendary studio.

The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)

The Secret of Monkey Island

When it comes to point-and-click adventure games you could easily make a strong argument for LucasArts as the be-all-end-all when it comes to developing the best of them. Nothing could be truer of this than the Monkey Island games; the first of which, ‘The Secret of Monkey Island’ has to be my favourite.

Monkey Island is a game with wit; its humour is a wonderful blend of deadpan comedy and outlandish situations that go together so well with its characters that seem so blissfully un aware of the idiotic of the world they inhabit.

It has truly earned its place in the nostalgic memories of the older gamers who originally played it and has been discovered by a new generation thanks to its HD revival. Perhaps its biggest strength is that you can talk about how much fun it still is to play without needing to ever spoil the plot, which I’ll summarise for those who’ve yet to experience this marvel.

You are Guybrush Threepwood, a wanna-be mighty pirate, who to become a full pirate has to undertake several trials. Things get out of hand when he falls in love with Governor Elaine Marley, who’s quickly kidnapped by a ghost pirate. Guybrush then embarks on a high-stakes rescue mission to save his love.

Play it for yourself and maybe 20 years on you’ll still remember how you wanted to be a mighty pirate, too.

-David Wyatt, Video Features

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (1993)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

This gem of a game defined multiplayer for me as a child. In a game which was as weird as it was challenging, having a buddy blast zombies with waterguns with me was truly a childhood memory I’ll never forget.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors was released on the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis in 1993. It was developed by LucasArts and published by Konami. For those who have never played it, I highly recommend that you do. The game is best described as a zany top-down shooter overflowing with personality.

The game had you control either Zeke or Julie—or both, in multiplayer—as they struggle to fight hordes of demons invading their neighborhood. That is basically the extent of the story. There’s no mythical blade to collect, no ancient demon come to life—just two kids, miles of zombies, and enough weaponry to rival that of the Worms games.

On their quest to rid their neighborhood and the rest of the world from the clutches of evil, Zeke and/or Julie must rescue at least one civilian per level. With 48 regular missions and 7 bonus levels, Zombies Ate My Neighbors lasted a good long while. Grabbing a buddy to play the game’s 2-player mode with is encouraged, as the game gets incredibly hard towards the end, in true Super Nintendo action game fashion.

I think that the kind of spunk Zombies bore defined gaming in the mid-90s. It was weird, yeah, but it was also really fun and very unique. Zombies Ate My Neighbors is fondly remembered by those who played (and were terrified by) it in their childhood. It had a sequel, entitled Ghoul Patrol, but that ended up how most sequels do—not nearly as good as the first.

-Chris Carlson, Editor

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

When I was a mere 8 year old lad I wasn’t lucky enough to have my very own PlayStation. We had a PC and an old Saga Mega Drive but the ‘new generation of console’ wasn’t on the top of my Christmas list back in 1999. As a young boy I had always been fascinated by the Star Wars franchise; to be honest, I liked the lightsabers. So, when I stepped into the kids play area of my local restaurant after a lovely meal I was, understandably, drawn towards the PlayStation in the corner of the room. The PlayStation was neglected as the other children opted for the climbing frames and foam swords. I, however, was enticed by the look of the game loaded on the console – Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

Developed by the short-lived Big Ape Productions and published by LucasArts, the game itself was incredibly detailed for its time. The graphics seemed smooth, the game play was quick, responsive and exciting. It goes without saying that attempting to play the game now would probably give me a headache but, at the time, I was captivated. I played for a good hour, slowly drawing a small crowd to watch my slightly pixelated adventure unfold. Sadly, I had to leave the quest unfinished as I was eventually torn away from the screen by my parents. However, after a few months of patiently waiting, my parents eventually bought me my very own PlayStation with a new copy of the game.

It was LucasArts that introduced me to the joys of console gaming. The Phantom Menace still is one of my favorite games. I am sad to see LucasArts go; it’s a loss to the gaming world indeed.

-Alec Ward, Assoc. Writer

Star Wars Galaxies (2003)

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars Galaxies was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts on June 26, 2003. Its servers were online until December 15, 2011. For seven and a half years, the game captivated subscribers like me with its limitless options and paths for players to pursue. You could be a gunslinger of many varieties, such as a marksman, or a pistoleer. “But wait,” a lot of gamers might say, “that sounds like every other sci-fi MMO ever made!” Au contraire, ladies and gentlemen.

Where SWG broke the mold was with its introduction of noncombat classes. You see, players could decide to be artisans. But within that path, they could also choose to focus on tailoring, droid building, gunsmithing, armorsmithing, mining, architecture, furniture, medical supplies…the list goes on and on.

And if that didn’t strike your fancy, but you still wanted to skip the nitty-gritty of combat, then you could take up the role of Medic. When players died, they accrued “wounds,” limits placed on their three status bars (Health, Action and Mind) that could only be healed by Doctors (Health and Action) and Entertainers (Mind).

While the game went through multiple redesigns and eventually suffered the fate of many an ailing MMO by turning into what was essentially World of Warcraft with Star Wars textures, it maintained a strong, loyal community that loved it to the very, very end. I played it from release to shutdown, and it provided me with many of my very favorite memories of gaming, and helped me develop friendships that I continue to maintain now.

The closing of LucasArts is like a pinch of salt dropped onto the wound left by SWG’s server shutdown last December. Knowing I may never again have an experience like the ones I had in SWG is a hard thought to bear, and I tip my hat in the memory of LucasArts as an oft-troubled, yet doggedly determined presence in the gaming industry.

-Will Brunelle, Assoc. Writer

Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb (2003)

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

Sure, it wasn’t the greatest Indy game to ever grace our consoles, but let me tell you—she’ll fool ya. Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb was a great game, even if it wasn’t a ‘great’ game. Emperor’s Tomb was developed by The Collective and published by LucasArts in 2003. Featuring several long levels and a surprisingly good Harrison Ford impersonator, Emperor’s Tomb did its best to capture all the adventure and suspense that is Indiana Jones.

And it achieved that, for the most part. The story was excellent, and the game leads right in to the classic movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The levels were partially interactive, as Indy could bash enemies with whatever he could find—chairs, barrels, and so on. Unfortunately, the game was weighted down by poor controls and an even worse camera system. One level—the clock tower in Prague, for those who’ve played it—was a notoriously hard challenge due to the lackluster camera angles the game presented.

I remember Emperor’s Tomb so well because it took my best friend and I years to finish. Part of that was due to the aforementioned clock tower level, part due to conflicting schedules as we entered our college years. Even today, we’ll occasionally call each other up to talk about how much we hated—yet loved—that damn game.

-Chris Carlson, Editor

Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)

Star Wars: Battlefront

In a time when the only games I had known were Ratchet & Clank, Need For Speed, and a handful of other games of similar styles, Star Wars: Battlefront was very refreshing. Not only was this little gem my first shooter, but it also introduced me to the idea of using strategy in any game I’ve played since. Hearing my friends talk about blasting droids to a million pieces, fighting for command posts, and zipping through the battlefield on Speederbikes instantly had me intrigued. LucasArts and developer Pandemic did something that is a rare find indeed in the gaming world; they made a great licensed game.

Frankly, Battlefront wouldn’t have been nearly as great if it weren’t for the Star Wars title and setting. It was splendid for a Star Wars fan such as myself to explore the popular worlds and battlefields from the movies. Half the fun was just walking around taking in the sights as the sounds of battle echoed in the distance. Back then, that was the ultimate shooter experience for me. I set the camera to first-person and went to town with my blaster rifle. After all these years of playing Halo, Call of Duty, and all the other more refined shooters, Battlefront didn’t age very well. However, the nostalgia never fails to wash over me when I pop that disc into my Playstation 2. I have LucasArts to thank for the memories, and for the game itself, and I’ll never forget that. You will be missed LucasArts. May the Force be with you… always.

-Jonathan Gipson, Assoc. Writer

Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005)

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Developed and published by LucasArts, Star Wars: Republic Commando is an oddity in the Star Wars game library. It mirrors the experience of playing a modern Call of Duty or Battlefield entry, but covered in the livery of the Star Wars universe we all know and love. Rather than having you jump around with lightsaber(s) drawn and chairs being Force-thrown every which way, LucasArts threw you into the boots of RC-1138, “Boss,” as he leads his team of three fellow Republic Commandos on covert assignments to sabotage the Separatist’s campaign.

The game was gritty, visceral, and challenging. Enemies spurted blood onto your visor when you took them down with your wrist-mounted knife, and shootouts were intense, forcing you into cover and testing your ability to deploy your squadmates effectively and tactically.

By the end of the narrative, I found myself attached to my teammates, laughing at Scorch’s jokes and Sev’s dark, deadpan sarcasm. I cared about the outcome of my team’s efforts. I would throw myself into harm’s way if I saw a team member being outgunned, and consciously tried to protect them (something I don’t bother to do in Call of Duty, that’s for sure).

Republic Commando offered some of the most compelling FPS gameplay in a while, and it remains in my memory today as an example of how both a Star Wars game and an FPS in general should be made. I’m sad to see its creators close their doors, and I only hope that some other developer will pick up the reigns in the future and carry on the legacy of such great games.

-Will Brunelle, Assoc. Writer

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

I think LucasArts will mostly be remembered for its Star Wars games in the same way that any branding of a Lucas-owned company will be mostly related to Star Wars. Skywalker Sound was a nice name variation at least. For me the fondest game I have in memory that came from them was the more recent Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. In my opinion it has the story that any of the prequel films should have had; telling a tragic story that ends with hope (Episode IV: A New Hope if you’ll forgive the pun).

It was the most cinematic Star Wars game every made up to that point and at times felt like it was one of the films. The Force Unleashed told us the tale of Darth Vader’s secret apprentice, Starkiller, and the birth of the Rebel Alliance. I could leave it at that, but it would do the game a great disservice. There were many other things the game did that hadn’t been done before.

Using the new Euphoria engine developed at LucasArts you had a game where enemies and environments would dynamically react to your Force powers; for example, Lift a Storm Trooper and he would flail around. Move him near another Trooper and he would grab on to him (if you had the power you could lift even more up and watch them grab on for dear life).

On the gameplay side things were kept simpler, with a more hack-and-slash feel when it came to lightsaber combat. You were encouraged to use your force powers at every opportunity to wreak havoc upon the Empire. The Force has never been as destructive as what you can achieve in this game, with it shown as a vicious and spectacular power unlike its more down to earth portrayal it receives in other media.

The second game never received the praise that this one got but at over 5 million copies sold worldwide ‘The Force Unleashed’ no doubt has its share of fans across the world who will mourn the passing of LucasArts and the potential loss of Star Wars 1313, though I’d place my bets on it being acquired by another company.

-David Wyatt, Video Features

LucasArts Logo

With an exceedingly large catalog of games the studio has either created or published, LucasArts will always be thought of as one of the most prolific games companies ever to grace the industry. We here at inMotion Gaming would like to wish the laid-off staff the very best of luck, and we hope they’re able to find new homes throughout the gaming world.

Written by

The inMotion Gaming Team


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Mass Effect 3 Wallpapers Mon, 30 Apr 2012 05:03:54 +0000 ]]> We’ve done a bit of hunting around looking for the best Mass Effect 3 wallpapers. Below is a collection of our favourite ME3 wallpapers, which you can download for free.

You will find download links below each image. To download a wallpaper, click the link that corresponds to your screen size. If there are no links below the image, this means the wallpaper is only available in HD (1920 x 1080), and clicking the image directly will download the HD wallpaper.

The first few wallpapers are all based on a similar design template, while the rest have their own unique designs, so keep scrolling to the end… and check out our ME3 Review as well… ;-)

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper Downloads



Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper - London HD - 1920x1080

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024


Reaper: Walking Dead

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper - Walking Dead

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800 | 1280 x 1024



Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper HD - Shepard

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800 | 1280 x 1024


Official Standard Female Shepard

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper HD

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800 | 1280 x 1024


Mass Effect 3 Logo Wallpaper

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper - Logo HD

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800 | 1280 x 1024


Concept Art by Patryk Olejniczak

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper HD

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800 | 1280 x 1024

Source: Mass Effect Game & GamerWelten



Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper - Thessia HD

Download Sizes

1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 1200

Source: Best Game Wallpapers


HD ME3 Wallpapers (1920 x 1080)

Click on the images to download the HD wallpaper.

Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper - Logo HD


Mass Effect 3 Image


Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper HD - Sniper


If you’ve found any other awesome ME3 Wallpapers you think should be on this list, or you’ve created your own Mass Effect 3 Wallpaper you would like to share, let us know in the comments below.



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The Most Popular Game Release in History Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:49:32 +0000 ]]> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty has become a gaming phenomenon, and one of the most popular gaming franchises ever! The infographic below takes a close look at what made their latest title, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – so incredibly successful. Since its much anticipated release, Modern Warfare 3 has gripped and entertained millions of COD fans, making it the quickest and best-selling Call of Duty franchise title to date.

The incredible graphics, animation and plot lines have ensured that fans of the game sing its praises – resulting in record breaking sales in record breaking time. This infographic is a must-read for any Call of Duty gamer. It examines the game’s rising success and the industry records it has set since its release (records you have probably helped them achieve). You’ll begin to wonder how you ever survived gaming without the COD franchise, and how you ever survived Call of Duty without Modern Warfare 3.

Click to Embed this Infographic on your Website or Blog

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Infographic

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Infographic

Embed this Infographic on your Website

Please feel free to post this infographic on your website or blog by copying the entire embed code below…

This infographic was created in partnership with inMotion Gaming.


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Tactical Intervention Closed-Beta Invitation Tue, 13 Mar 2012 02:15:21 +0000 ]]> Tactical Intervention Closed-Beta InvitationWe are giving away 250 Closed-Beta invitations for Tactical Intervention aka Counter-Strike 2 to our loyal readers and fellow gamers.

Tactical Intervention is one of inMotion Gaming’s most highly anticipated games of the year, so make sure you secure your spot for the CBT (Closed-Beta Testing) before 4pm (PST) on Wednesday, March 14!

Tactical Intervention marks the much-anticipated return of Minh “Gooseman” Le, the creator of the iconic Counter-Strike.

inMotion Gaming has 250 email invitation slots available! To secure your invitation please follow the instructions below.

Tactical Intervention Update

Our Tactical Intervention First Look Video is out! We have also included a bonus gameplay video, with a second extended gameplay video in the works, so if you haven’t seen it yet, click on the link above and check it out!


Step 1

Create a free account at: OG Planet. Click on “Sign-Up” at the top-left corner, and sign up. (If you have an OGP account, click on My Account > My profile to find the email address)

Step 2

Come back to this article on the inMotion Gaming website and leave a comment below with the following details:

  1. Tell us you want an invite to the Tactical Intervention Closed-Beta and that you give us permission to pass your email address on to the game developer, MAYN Interactive.
  2. Make sure you enter the same email address in the email field as the one you used to create your account at OG Planet. Also make sure you enter your address correctly.
  3. Subscribe to our website, and follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with our announcements.

Tactical Intervention

Tactical Intervention Image

From the Creator of Counter-Strike!

Genre: First-Person-Shooter
Launch: Free-to-Play, North America
Target: 15 – 40, Male
Date: Closed-Beta, March 2012

Platform: PC, Downloadable
Publisher: OGPlanet
Developer: FIX Korea

Game Features


Your email address will not be made public, shared, rented or sold, however by submitting a comment below, you do give us express permission to communicate with you directly, and to pass your email address on to MAYN Interactive to facilitate your invitation to the CBT.

Please do not enter your email address in the actual comment box, as this will make it publically accessible, and we can’t be held responsible in that case.

All applications need to be in by 4pm (PST) on Wednesday, March 14. Invitations will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. Feel free to share this with your friends!

Good luck.

Tactical Intervention Giveaway Closed

The Tactical Intervention Closed Beta Key giveaway is now closed. Our apologies to those who didn’t make it, however we are trying to secure more slots if they become available. Any new slots will be announced in a new article, so subscribe to our RSS feed or email updates to ensure you don’t miss out.

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Mass Effect 3 Trailer: Take Earth Back Tue, 21 Feb 2012 11:34:32 +0000 ]]> Bioware and EA have just released the latest addition to their Mass Effect 3 marketing arsenal. This epic new trailer titled “Take Earth Back” is made entirely out of CGI, and runs for just over 2 min.

This latest Mass Effect 3 trailer for Bioware’s first person shooter starts off with a little girl playing in a field of sunflowers while space shuttles fly by. Suddenly the space ships are shot down by Reapers which touch down on earth and begin killing everyone in sight. About halfway through the trailer, Commander Shepard shows up with an army and gets to work fighting off the invaders.

Be sure to read our epic Mass Effect 3 Review or download any of our Free ME3 Wallpapers.

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Trailer


Mass Effect 3 will complete the current story. Apparently this will be the last game starring Commander Shepard. For better or worse, his fight against the Reapers will have a definite end. According to Bioware though, the series will live on, indicating that Mass Effect 4 could be a prequel…

Mass Effect 3 - Take Earth Back Trailer

If this cinematic Mass Effect 3 trailer leaves you wanting more, you’ll be happy to hear that Bioware released an additional Extended Cut Trailer today, which you will of course find right here. Bioware posted the following on their official Mass Effect Twitter account when asked if they had a longer version of the trailer: “You will find out in two days! We are glad you loved this cut.”

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Cinematic Trailer (Extended Cut)


Mass Effect 3 will be released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on 6 March 2012.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpapers Sun, 29 Jan 2012 16:15:40 +0000 ]]> As usual, we’ve gone about collecting the best high resolution Final Fantasy XIII-2 wallpapers for you to download for free.

The first 6 images are all HD Wallpapers, but we’ve also included a variety of different wallpaper sizes further down, so keep scrolling… and when you’re done, take a look at our review of Final Fantasy XIII-2:-)

Final Fantasy XIII-2 HD Wallpaper Downloads

Click on the images to download the full resolution (1920 x 1080) wallpapers.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper


Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 1920 x 1080 - HD Wallpaper

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpapers in Various Sizes

Source: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wiki

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpaper - 1920x1080

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 720 | 1280 x 800


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpaper - 1280x800

Download Sizes

1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 768 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpaper - 1920x1080

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1920 x 1080 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 720 | 1280 x 800


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpaper - 1280x800

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768


If you’ve found other cool Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpapers, or you’ve created your own Final Fantasy XIII-2 Wallpaper you would like to share, let us know in the comments below.



PS: If you enjoyed this article, help spread the word by clicking the “Like”, “Tweet”, “+1” buttons, or sharing it using the share icons below. Want to read more articles like this? Subscribe to our Updates, and get our articles directly to your inbox or RSS reader.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2: Trailers & Gameplay Videos Wed, 25 Jan 2012 08:02:32 +0000 ]]> Final Fantasy XIII-2 - LightningFinal Fantasy XIII-2 is the latest addition to the Final Fantasy franchise created by Square Enix. This epic RPG game promises to be an improvement on its predecessor, and makes its debut in the USA on 31 January 2012.

We gathered the best trailers and gameplay videos below, to give you a taste for what’s to come. Also, read our Final Fantasy XIII-2 review, which covers the basic story and the game experience you can expect.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Official First Trailer

This is the very first trailer of Final Fantasy XIII-2. See what’s in store for our beloved hero Lightning in FFXIII-2!


Final Fantasy XIII-2: New Adventures Trailer

This Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer reveals more gameplay and more action-packed battles as you dive into a new quest through time and space to find Lightning and undo the end of the world…


Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 2011 Trailer [HD]

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Live Trigger and Atlas Fight Gameplay Video

This is the Final Fantasy XIII-2 gameplay from the GameSpot Live stage show on the E3 2011 show floor demonstrating the Live Trigger, which allows the player to choose between four different actions, letting you control the direction of the plot.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning


We hope you enjoyed these videos, but realize that this game isn’t for everyone. So we’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.

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Resident Evil 6 Official Debut Trailer Sat, 21 Jan 2012 05:09:40 +0000 ]]> Capcom officially announced the release of Resident Evil 6 after two major leaks broke the news yesterday. According to Capcom, Resident Evil 6 is set to be released on 20 November 2012, and will be available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, with a PC version of the game to follow soon afterwards.

The trailer below is the first video of Resident Evil 6 ever to be seen…

Resident Evil 6 Trailer

The Resident Evil 6 Plot

The President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth about what happened ten years ago at Raccoon City; however the venue suffers a bioterrorist attack. To his horror, the president’s personal friend and Raccoon City survivor, Leon S. Kennedy discovers that the president has been transformed beyond recognition by the bioterrorist attack.

Simultaneously, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member Chris Redfield is dealing with the threat of a bioterrorist attack in China. With no country safe from these attacks, the entire world’s population is at risk of infection, and is united by a common fear that there is no hope left…

Resident Evil 6 Image

Pre-order Bonuses

Pre-order bonuses for Resident Evil 6 will be available at GameStop, Best Buy and Amazon, and Capcom will give each retailer an exclusive map that will function with various modes in the game.

You can pre-order Resident Evil 6 now by clicking on either of the links below:

Xbox 360 | PLAYSTATION 3

Let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments below, and if you want more, check out this in-depth breakdown of the Resident Evil 6 trailer by our friends at GameRanx.

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Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Official Gameplay Trailer Sat, 31 Dec 2011 03:05:47 +0000 ]]> Get ready for an epic dragon slaying adventure in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the latest sequel to the brilliant RPG series by Bethesda Softworks.

Update: Skyrim’s first major add-on, Dawnguard, has been released, so check out our review of Dawnguard.


See the first gameplay video and the amazing graphics this game in which you play the role of a Dragonborn (Dragon Slayer), has to offer.

The Skyrim Plot

Dragons have begun manifesting and destroying towns and killing their people and it’s your job to find out why they’ve come back after being dead for so long. You’ll soon find out that you being there to help the situation is no coincidence.

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Dragon Shout

This epic game will take you on a series of adventures, all of which are incredibly exciting and interactive. Want more? Read our Skyrim review or download our awesome collection of free Skyrim wallpapers!

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wallpapers Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:31:08 +0000 ]]> We have put together this collection of awesome high resolution Skyrim Wallpapers from The Elder Scrolls V series for you to download for free.

Update: Skyrim’s first major add-on, Dawnguard, has been released, so check out our Dawnguard review.

Skyrim Wallpaper Downloads

Source: The Elder Scrolls


Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Dragon Shout

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 960 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768



Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Dragonborn

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 960 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768



Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Dragon

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 960 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768



Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Environment

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 960 | 1280 x 800 | 1024 x 768


Aerial Attack

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - Aerial Attack

Download Sizes

1920 x 1200 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200 | 1280 x 1024 | 1280 x 960 | 1280 x 800


Source: Gameinformer

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - GameInformer

Download Sizes

1920 x 1080 | 1680 x 1050 | 1600 x 1200


Source: Cheathappens

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim HD Wallpaper

Download Sizes

1920 x 1080 | 1280 x 960 | 1024 x 768


HD Skyrim Wallpapers

Source: Windows 7 Themes

Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim HD Wallpaper

Download HD Wallpaper

1920 x 1080



Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim HD Wallpaper

Download HD Wallpaper

1920 x 1080


Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim HD Wallpaper

Download HD Wallpaper

1920 x 1080


Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Wallpaper - HD

Download HD Wallpaper

1920 x 1080


Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim HD Wallpaper

Download HD Wallpaper

1920 x 1080


If you’ve found other great HD Skyrim Wallpapers, or you’ve created your own cool Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wallpaper you would like to share, let us know in the comments below.



PS: If you enjoyed this article, help spread the word by clicking the “Like”, “Tweet”, “+1” buttons, or sharing it using the share icons below. Want to read more articles like this? Subscribe to our Updates, and get our articles directly to your inbox or RSS reader.

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