inMotion Gaming » Videos Online Gaming Magazine! Fri, 07 Oct 2016 03:33:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why You Should Play: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Sun, 31 Mar 2013 18:23:43 +0000 ]]> Welcome to ‘Why You Should: Play’, a monthly video series where we explore games from the past and why they’re still worth playing if you haven’t yet. This column has a sister series called ‘Why You Should: Watch,’ which can be found on and is exclusive to the same YouTube channel, as well as Ryatta Reviews. This accompanying article will be exclusive to iMG so you there’s always a good reason to check the videos out here, but if you’re interested in the ‘WYS’ show then I suggest you subscribe to the YouTube channel where you’ll get episodes more frequently.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

The Legacy of Kain series may possibly fall on deaf ears for those of you who’ve only come into gaming within the last decade. The Legacy of Kain franchise contained five vastly different games. It consisted of two main characters and a whole TV series’ worth of supporting characters across different ages in the fictional realm of Nosgoth.

The plot of Soul Reaver takes place a few millennia after the original game of the series, entitled Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. The eponymous Kain has become the leader of all vampires, with his children serving as his vampiric lieutenants. Raziel, his second in command enters a stage of evolution before Kain does–he grows a pair of wings, which Kain does not approve of. Kain destroys Raziel’s wings and tosses him off of a cliff to his doom.

After a long time of suffering, Raziel is revived by a mysterious voice known only as the Watcher, who guides souls of the dead along their correct path. The Watcher reveals that Kain has corrupted his ability to do this and tasks Raziel with the job of saving the world by destroying Kain and his own brothers, who have grown further corrupted. In doing this, Raziel would also avenge himself.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Raziel

For the most part, each game in the Legacy of Kain series has a widely different style of gameplay. One exception to this is Soul Reaver 2, which retained many of the key elements of the first Soul Reaver sans the open world elements, forcing it to be more linear.

Soul Reaver’s gameplay could almost be compared to that of 3D Legend of Zelda titles; it has a similar combat system to the famous Z-Targeting, as well as open world exploration elements.

While I like to remain positive about every game I cover there are a few negatives to Soul Reaver. For one, it hasn’t aged well. The sound effects and in-game cutscene animations look and sound quite bad. Despite this, the voice acting will be forever be remembered as some of the best from any video game series—a trait that continued throughout the Legacy of Kain series. The game was also unfinished when it debuted, which meant a number of things were removed from the game. For example, one of the brothers was never included in the game and was left out completely (though thankfully this was dealt with in future re-releases). Perhaps the biggest example of this is the ending. Soul Reaver just ends with a rather quick and boring boss fight. It’s a major shame, especially when compared to the rest of the main game. The sequel picks right up from there, but at the time that was another console generation away.

A lot of the open world elements are sometimes unclear, and many extras you find along the way feel like they should have had more explanation of gameplay use. Cheat codes also reveal variations of the Soul Reaver that can’t be found in the main game, as well as a bigger use of your other spirit guide, Ariel, who you meet through the game.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Gameplay

The story is a big theme of the series as a whole, and in the efforts to make a good game a lot of narrative sometimes takes a backseat so the gameplay can shine. The balance of the two would become better in future games of the Legacy of Kain series, but it leaves Soul Reaver with a skeleton of a main story and it writes Kain in as a full villain. In all other games, conversely, he’s more of an antihero and/or outright protagonist. However, this fits newcomers to the Legacy of Kain series well as they’ll identify with Raziel more while players of the original game will be interested in Kain’s fall from grace as the Scion of Balance and saviour.

With its preconceived story over and complete, the Legacy of Kain series is a collection of games that are unlikely to get a sequel; and since the possibility of an HD update seems unlikely at this time, it’s worth getting the games as they are to try. The Soul Reaver games play out more like standard action/adventure games while the Blood Omen games are more experimental in gameplay; the final game in that miniseries plays out more like Devil May Cry. You might want to stick to Raziel’s story and just play his games to get the gist of Legacy of Kain’s central narrative. Regardless, it’s a series that shouldn’t be missed and I hope you feel a need to give it a try. You can pick them up very cheaply these days.

That’s ‘Why You Should Play’ Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver!

Words & Video by

David ‘Ryatta’ Wyatt


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Why You Should Play: Metroid Prime Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:56:26 +0000 ]]> Welcome to ‘Why You Should: Play’, a monthly video series where we explore games from the past and why they’re still worth playing if you haven’t yet. While this is the first episode of “WYS:P” it’s sister series ‘Why You Should: Watch’ can be found on the same you tube channel but will only be featured here on iMG when its focus is video game related. This accompanying article will be exclusive to iMG so you there’s always a good reason to check the videos out here, but if you’re interested in the ‘WYS’ show then I suggest you subscribe to the YouTube channel where you’ll get episodes more frequently.

Video: Metroid Prime

So let’s talk about Metroid Prime; first released in 2002 and being a Nintendo franchise it was only available on the Gamecube, although it has since been released as part of the Prime trilogy on the Wii. You will also see it looks pretty amazing in full HD, which is due to it being run on an emulator with a powerful PC.

Metroid Prime was the first entry in the series to be in 3D. The series had skipped the N64 completely so the very thought of a First Person based Metroid game seemed to un-nerve most, especially when compared to Castlevania; (a similar game play and exploration style to the 2D Metroid titles). The Castlevania 3D games had been complete failures in terms of gameplay, and critical reception had forced the games to re adopt 2D style gameplay. Fans were quite rightly worried about the same fate befalling the Metroid series, though spirits were raised after the Game Boy Advance game Metroid Fusion had been well received.

Metroid Prime

Although the term wasn’t really popularised at the time and you could argue that Prime gave true birth to it, the game is more a first person adventure and role playing game than a traditional FPS, in that it’s just about the opposite of what was expected of an FPS, and now a days with Call of Duty reigning supreme, its true even more so.

Exploration was first and foremost the priority, with combat taking a steady second; you weren’t led by the hand through scripted events, but were given the chance to explore at your own pace and were encouraged to do so. The most significant achievement of Prime was that it successfully made a 2D Metroid game in 3D. Even Mario 64 had changes to how the format of the game worked, but Metroid was just as before, so much so that you could have just made the game in the 2D engine and it would have worked.

One of the reasons the game works so well as a first person game is because traversal in the game is handled so well; as any avid FPS player will have experienced the failure of FPS games when it comes to plat forming at some point, yet Prime succeeded when all others had failed. Prime did not give you pin point places that you’d need to jump to, but gave you wide open areas with wide ledges that you could easily get to, making it more fun than taxing, though with save points being plentiful around the game you were never punished too badly. If you die falling from a ledge, you would just incur a small health decrease.

Metroid Prime Screenshot

The one other major factor Prime had that other games did not was a targeting lock on system similar to that of the Legend of Zelda games; once locked on you could dash around enemies and fire from your gun would automatically be on target allowing you to deal with avoiding enemy fire, weak points could also be locked onto for bosses meaning aiming for the head was a non-issue.

At its core, Prime is a fun adventure game that just happens to be played from a first person perspective and if you keep that in mind going in, you’ll find something that rises above today’s expectations and offers something more than the average military shooter that’s the unfortunate norm these days.

That’s ‘Why You Should Play’ Metroid Prime!

Words & Video by

David ‘Ryatta’ Wyatt


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Phantasy Star Online 2 Import Review Fri, 30 Nov 2012 03:35:11 +0000 ]]> After what seems like a lifetimes worth of wait, Sega has answered our prayers and blessed us with a sequel to Dreamcast’s original online sensation Phantasy Star Online. Cunningly, Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) is currently only out in Japan but will be hitting English shores early next year on PC as a Free 2 Play title.

Review of the Japanese Version of PSO2

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PSO2 Review Summary

First off, it’s probably worth mentioning that my PSO2 account has been locked since the video was recorded, due to me not living in Japan. However from as far as I could get before the lockout, I enjoyed what I was playing!

Phantasy Star Online 2 Screenshot

Originally being set for release as a commercial title and not a free 2 play game has meant that you get a full game with the option to buy extras, and not another game following the pay to win model that I hate with a passion.

Also bear in mind that my computer couldn’t keep a steady frame rate and record footage at the same time, so the video is taken with the graphics set to 2/5 on the graphics scale, but I’ve given you a few screen grabs of the game at its best to show off just how pretty the game is. In particular the lighting effects look amazing.

Phantasy Star Online 2 Screenshot

Phantasy Star Online 2 will be free to download as well as purchasable in the form of a disk that will retail for about £5, and with that you’ll get access to a few extra items. Given the game is free to play it’s nice to actually have a box option.

Phantasy Star Online 2 Screenshot

On the whole, I’m very impressed with the new game and can’t wait to play it in full English early next year. It makes up for the not so impressive Phantasy Star Universe, and PSO2 looks like it will hit the ground with a bang. Judging by the amount of oversees players who jumped onto the Japanese version, I’d say there’s quite an audience waiting for the game next year… and you should be one of them!

Video Review by

David Wyatt


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Top 10 Video Game Cutscenes Tue, 17 Jul 2012 23:40:49 +0000 ]]> A top 10 list is always going to result in heavy debate… No matter what you say, there will always be someone who disagrees. With that in mind however, I’ve tried to make a top cutscene list that explains why I have made these choices, so even if you don’t agree with my choices, you will understand why I rate them so highly.

Rules for this Top List

  1. The scene must be part of the game’s narrative (e.g. not a trailer)
  2. They must be actual cutscenes, not partly playable (e.g. quick time events of interactive scenes.)

Top 10 Cutscenes Video

Spoiler Alert!



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Top 10 Cutscenes Summary

Top 10 Video Game Cutscenes

10. Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus may be the very definition for ‘Games as Art’; however what earned it the spot on my list is the hero’s horse and faithful companion Argo. After many hours playing the game and traversing the giant world, I’d been taking him for granted and was really hit emotionally when he throws you to safety at the cost of his own life when the bridge collapses.

It’s a truly memorable moment and leads you into the final Colossi on a low point as opposed to the excitement I had been feeling prior to this.

9. .Hack GU

I never was one for watching the .Hack animé series but I’d always played the .Hack games. After waiting for .Hack GU, I was immediately impressed at the quality of game play and visuals over the original quadrilogy, but the series really hits you with its best moment at the start of the first game of the GU series. Watching Haseo get destroyed and reset to ground zero was necessary for the narrative, but the scene played out in such a way that you really feel his pain. Not just at the inability to get his revenge, but the physical pain he feels when he’s hit by the beam.

To this day the games still have a visual style that I’ve not seen replicated, falling somewhere between cel shading and standard CG, but with crazy light effects making it a visual treat to watch in style and not just content.

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Top 10 Video Game Cutscenes

So how about you? What are your favourite cutscenes of all time? Share them with us in the comments below, and let’s make this an extensive resource of the best game cutscenes to date!

Video & Article by

David ‘Ryatta’ Wyatt


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Tactical Intervention First Look Preview Sat, 17 Mar 2012 23:53:42 +0000 ]]> From the top of inMotion Gaming’s highly anticipated games of the year list! We proudly present Tactical Intervention; A realistic shooter which comes from a long history of development from the infamous Counter-Strike. Tactical Intervention marks the much-anticipated return of Minh ‘Gooseman’ Le, the creator of the iconic Counter-Strike game.

Minh is reintroducing some of the original concepts from the counter-strike series, like the riot shield, new twists and turns and enhanced gameplay at its best. Team work and communication, the key ingredients to develop any relationship, are put to the test in what fans are now calling Counter-Strike 2.

First Look Video Series: Episode 4

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Tactical Intervention:

Genre: First-Person-Shooter
Launch: Free-to-Play, North America
Target: 15 – 40, Male
Date: Closed-Beta, March 2012

Our Rating


PC, Downloadable
Publisher: OGPlanet
Developer: FIX Korea

User Rating

Tactical Intervention Image

Reviewers Thoughts

Tactical Intervention is the new Counter-Strike!

The gameplay brings back fond memories. Strong team tactics and fast pasted action puts Tactical Intervention on my top ten games of all time! However, I do feel that some things need to be fixed. Some of the weapons are too nerfted, while some do too much damage. Also, the radar is WAY too over powered.

Issues like this are to be expected though, which is why we do Closed Beta Testing! I am sure they will be sorted out before the official release. I do however feel that the game could have done with a few more weeks of work, and that they may have released it into closed beta a little too early. So for now, I’m giving Tactical Intervention a rating of 4/5 based on the issues mentioned above and a few other niggling things like too few maps etc. I will do a full video review when it gets officially released though, with a new star rating.

Enjoy the game, and I hope to see you there!

Tactical Intervention Screenshot

System Requirements

System Requirements

My Story with Counter-Strike

Where to start? I’ve been playing counter-strike for most of my life. It all started when I was ten years old and a well thought out lie to my mother! An older friend of mine had introduced me to steam. One night, I spent some time over at said friend’s house. He popped in a CD and typed in a few keys… I watched in awe. Little did i know I was about to be introduced to my holy grail!

We sat, or rather he sat and I impatiently paced as would any kid with ADHD. Hours later, the game had finished installing… The introduction rolled, “This is way better than Mario!” I thought loudly to myself… okay… maybe I yelled it! The title menu showed up. ‘Join a Server’, and into a server we went!

Continue Reading

Do you have a story with counter-strike? Any comments or thoughts? Tell us in the comments section below!

Review by

Alex ‘Martin’ Kay

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Clones First Look Preview Fri, 09 Mar 2012 01:59:35 +0000 ]]> Clones is a Flash to the past, being heavily inspired by the classic game Lemmings puzzler. Extensive internet multiplayer with loads of gamemodes and a custom build-in level editor for never ending gameplay. The single player campaign has over 150 clontastic puzzles spanning 11 CloneMaster bosses over 5 regions of the Clones Planet.

First Look Video Series: Episode 3

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Clones: The Latest Evolution in Puzzler Games!

Title: Clones
Project: Indie
Genre: Puzzle, Strategy
Theme: Sci-Fi
Graphics: 3D on 2D planes
Developer: Tomkorp
Platform: PC

Our Rating


User Rating

Clones PC Game Logo

Clones Website:

Reviewers Thoughts

Lemmings was a childhood favorite, however I was never a fan of the singleplayer in the game. The competitive tournament style in Clones is a flash back to the past though, enabling me to relive some of the best moments in my video game history!

Clones PC Game Screenshot

System Requirements

System Requirements

Thank you Tomkorp for this awesome game! With extensive gameplay and the joyous flash backs; I give Clones a 4/5!

If you’ve played this game already, let us know what you think of it, and give it a star rating. I will happily answer any questions about the game, so fire away in the comments below…

Review by

Alex ‘Martin’ Kay

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Noxious: First Look Preview Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:25:58 +0000 ]]> Noxious is a third-person shooter which takes place in a research facility called Future Sight Industries. You play the game as a scientist who barricaded himself in a corridor when the facility went into lock down due to mutated test subjects escaping from there containment. Your mission is to reroute power from throughout the facility to power a laser cannon so you can blow your way out of this nightmare!

First Look Video Series: Episode 2

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Noxious First Look Preview

Title: Noxious
Project: Indie
Genre: Third Person Shooter
Theme: Sci-Fi
Graphics: 3D
Developer: Misfits
Platform: PC

Our Rating


User Rating

Noxious Gameplay Screenshot 2

Reviewers Thoughts

Instant satisfaction! As soon as I stepped into the world of Noxious I was instantly satisfied with its performance. Dedicated artwork, solid animations and the perfect soundtrack bundled into a well polished game! I really hope the dedicated students who developed this game will focus their time on making a new version of Noxious with longer gameplay and possibly some co-op action…

Noxious Gameplay Screenshot 5

System Requirements

System Requirements

Thank you Misfits for this awesome game! The length of gameplay is the only reason I didn’t give it a 5/5 rating.

If you’ve played this game already, let us know what you think of it, and give it a star rating. I will happily answer any questions about the game, so fire away in the comments below…

Review by

Alex ‘Martin’ Kay

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Mass Effect 3 Trailer: Take Earth Back Tue, 21 Feb 2012 11:34:32 +0000 ]]> Bioware and EA have just released the latest addition to their Mass Effect 3 marketing arsenal. This epic new trailer titled “Take Earth Back” is made entirely out of CGI, and runs for just over 2 min.

This latest Mass Effect 3 trailer for Bioware’s first person shooter starts off with a little girl playing in a field of sunflowers while space shuttles fly by. Suddenly the space ships are shot down by Reapers which touch down on earth and begin killing everyone in sight. About halfway through the trailer, Commander Shepard shows up with an army and gets to work fighting off the invaders.

Be sure to read our epic Mass Effect 3 Review or download any of our Free ME3 Wallpapers.

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Trailer


Mass Effect 3 will complete the current story. Apparently this will be the last game starring Commander Shepard. For better or worse, his fight against the Reapers will have a definite end. According to Bioware though, the series will live on, indicating that Mass Effect 4 could be a prequel…

Mass Effect 3 - Take Earth Back Trailer

If this cinematic Mass Effect 3 trailer leaves you wanting more, you’ll be happy to hear that Bioware released an additional Extended Cut Trailer today, which you will of course find right here. Bioware posted the following on their official Mass Effect Twitter account when asked if they had a longer version of the trailer: “You will find out in two days! We are glad you loved this cut.”

Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Cinematic Trailer (Extended Cut)


Mass Effect 3 will be released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on 6 March 2012.

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Tribes Ascend: First Look Video Review Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:33:37 +0000 ]]> Tribes Ascend is the fastest MMO Shooter to date! With a variety of vehicles and game modes, breath taking graphics and its unique shooting mechanics delivering ultimate speed, Hi-Rez Studios builds on the legacy of Tribes. Check out our first look gameplay footage of Hi-Rez’s upcoming multiplayer shooter, Tribes Ascend.


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First Look Video Series: Episode 1

Title: Tribes Ascend
Status: Closed Beta
Theme: Sci-Fi
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Hi-Rez Studios
Developer: Hi-Rez Studios

Our Rating

Visit the Tribes Ascend page for more info, user reviews, loads of screenshots, and upcoming videos, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more quality first look video reviews.

User Rating

Reviewer’s Thoughts

When I first played Tribes: Ascend, I totally underestimated the quality of the game’s performance. I’ve played shooters professionally for years, yet I couldn’t hit a damn thing in this game at first. First instincts told me Tribes: Ascend had poor registration. This was a grave mistake! Not only does Ascend have smooth and clean game play, but its registration is spot on. They use a very interesting mechanic for ballistics which was introduced long ago in earlier versions of tribes. I haven’t spent much time playing with this type of shooting mechanics.

Tribes Ascend - Drydock Screenshot

However, I definitely feel good about Ascend and I think that HiRez Studios released a very unique and powerful game. With a variety of choices and customization options, Tribes: Ascend ranks on my top 10 shooters of all time.


  • Variety of customizations
  • Breath taking graphics
  • Great multiplayer fun


  • Steep Learning Curve
  • Strange Shooting Mechanics


We are giving away a number of Beta Keys and two VIP passes for Tribes: Ascend. If you are keen to get your hands on a Beta Key or want to stand a chance of winning a VIP Pass for Tribes: Ascend, let us know in the comments below, and subscribe to our website and YouTube Channel, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter for details as we release them.

Tribes Ascend Screenshot

System Requirements for Tribes: Ascend

The system requirements for the launch version of Tribes: Ascend have not yet been finalized. However, below are the minimum and recommended system requirements to participate in the Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta.

Minimum System Requirements

Recommended System Requirements

Note: Due to potential programming changes, the Minimum System Requirements for Tribes: Ascend may change over time.

Written by

Alex ‘Martin’ Kay


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Final Fantasy XIII-2: Trailers & Gameplay Videos Wed, 25 Jan 2012 08:02:32 +0000 ]]> Final Fantasy XIII-2 - LightningFinal Fantasy XIII-2 is the latest addition to the Final Fantasy franchise created by Square Enix. This epic RPG game promises to be an improvement on its predecessor, and makes its debut in the USA on 31 January 2012.

We gathered the best trailers and gameplay videos below, to give you a taste for what’s to come. Also, read our Final Fantasy XIII-2 review, which covers the basic story and the game experience you can expect.

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Official First Trailer

This is the very first trailer of Final Fantasy XIII-2. See what’s in store for our beloved hero Lightning in FFXIII-2!


Final Fantasy XIII-2: New Adventures Trailer

This Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer reveals more gameplay and more action-packed battles as you dive into a new quest through time and space to find Lightning and undo the end of the world…


Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 2011 Trailer [HD]

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Live Trigger and Atlas Fight Gameplay Video

This is the Final Fantasy XIII-2 gameplay from the GameSpot Live stage show on the E3 2011 show floor demonstrating the Live Trigger, which allows the player to choose between four different actions, letting you control the direction of the plot.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning


We hope you enjoyed these videos, but realize that this game isn’t for everyone. So we’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.

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