Comments on: Kingdom Hearts Re: Cap – Part 1 Online Gaming Magazine! Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: David 'Ryatta' Wyatt Wed, 15 Aug 2012 14:11:13 +0000 I love the idea of a Riku spin off given that he at differen’t points of the story has been morally questionable, posessed and an anti hero but when he’s been playable or a party member he’s been closer to the standard hero.. possibly an effect of being around Sora who brings out teh good in him.

I’d like to see a darker story for Reku though i have an aweful feeling that it’d be heading for the Vita. However i do think KH3 is next on teh cards so a Riku spin off could be on teh same concole that get’s KH3 either as a seperate game or DLC.. maybe even a second story akin to Chain of Memories… thoguh i like the idea of his own full games interacting with Disney’s and Square Enix’s darkest villains. Some Disney films have done thinsg that really shoudl not be in kid’s films and Riku could interact with those themes better then Sora

By: Christopher A. Carlson Wed, 15 Aug 2012 06:05:09 +0000 Nomura has also been reported to say that there is one more story that needs telling–Riku’s time and goings on after Chain of Memories and before his appearance in 358/2 Days.

That being said,


The secret message at the end of KH3D almost guarantees the next KH we see will either be KH3, or an HD remake of the earlier games.

By: Jonathan Gipson Tue, 14 Aug 2012 18:29:31 +0000 I’ve never had the chance to play Medal Gear Solid, but I have the utmost faith in Tetsuya Nomura’s ability to craft the ending we all wish to see. He’s been in the business of storytelling for a long time, and I’m sure he knows what has to be done.

Besides, I will be VERY surprised if they make another handheld game before III. I just read an article yesterday where they were interviewing Nomura, and he said, “I also feel that it’s about time that Kingdom Hearts should go back to being on a console.” Later in the article after being asked if Dream Drop Distance was the last game before III he said, “I’m not able to disclose any information on what’s coming next or any other future plans, but you may be able to find a hint if you play through Dream Drop Distance to the very end.”

Though these comments don’t set anything in stone they still hint that III is in the making. Regardless, I have much hope that either Kingdom Hearts III is being made, or the handheld games are being ported to console. Anything else will simply break my spirit.

By: David 'Ryatta' Wyatt Tue, 14 Aug 2012 11:14:21 +0000 It should be a great end to the current story line (hopefully not the franchise), if they can pull everything together and address it. The main arc of teh story can’t rely on everyone having played every game and a proper summing up of everything shoudl be there for people who need a re fresh of the story.

It all depends on how they bring it all together, the end of the might not have even been written yet at this point in time, or at least not set in stone so bringing everything together to all work will take time… Metal Gear Solid 4 did it very well though Hideo Kojima said it took alot of wrinting to make every end meet, LOST on the other hand ended up too convoluted for it’s own good by it’s end which I don’t wan’t to see happen to KH

By: Jonathan Gipson Mon, 13 Aug 2012 19:45:37 +0000 Though I find it upsetting that they spread the games over so many consoles, after writing this article I absolutely love the story. It all seems so complex, but in the end after you’ve read all seven parts, it’s pretty dang simple. Kingdom Hearts III is going to be EPIC.

By: David 'Ryatta' Wyatt Mon, 13 Aug 2012 18:13:25 +0000 I think it shows how complex the plot of the series has become that it has to have an article dedicated to it’s timeline, not to mention a multi part one.

While I love the Kingdom Hearts series all these little handheld games are damaging the franchise more then helping, while they are cheap to make on portable devices and are good games in their own right choosing to make each one part of the main story makes it hard for new comers to the series and may even have hindered a possible Kingdom Hearts 3 when there’s so many games you’d have need to have played all the preceeding games.

At least the GameBoy Advance Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories was missable due to (SPOLIERS) the main characters memory being wiped of the events at the story’s conclusion to be learn’t again in KH 2 the others have all abandoned this making every game required to get the most out of the plot and setting up new main character’s and villlains that have not been seen in the main installments.

I pray for several KH HD collections that can all all the games one platform for everyone to play through, even if their $60 each its cheaper then getting a PS2/3, GBA, DS, PSP and 3DS!!!
