Comments on: Resident Evil 6 Official Debut Trailer Online Gaming Magazine! Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Sun, 09 Feb 2014 08:44:06 +0000 I personally think resident evil 1 and 2 on the nintendo gamecube was the best,in a horror and graphic way I enjoyed it more then todays resident evil. I like resident evil 6 but it will still remain in 2nd place now if they combine 1 and 2 style with 6 then residentevil will be the best horror game ever but for now it still lacks that survivel horror like the first two

By: Tony Lee Tue, 28 Feb 2012 02:32:26 +0000 I just read the article that you linked to me! and thats so true! “Resident Evil 3 is where it changed” For the better! And That is whats so exciting! I mean look at the call of duty series these days, Their was Call of duty and than Call of Duty Black Ops changed everything along with letting so many people really get into it. I mean the promotion for Black ops was crazy! and thats why you still have so many people playing it these days. haha For me I am a Modern Warefare 3 type of guy!

By: inMotion Gaming Mon, 27 Feb 2012 23:10:30 +0000 Hey Tony, we hear you mate!

They certainly don’t make Zombies like they used to… :-)

As a matter of interest, did you read this article by one of our writers, David Wyatt, called “Resident Evil: Finding the Fear”?

Perhaps you’d like to add your 2 cents on that one too…

By: Tony Lee Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:25:50 +0000 Resident Evil 6 has been doing so great with all the sales, and the Survivor Gameplay is what really keeps people coming back to it! The Thing that surprises me the most about it is the fact that these monsters get average guns and weapons! Like it makes things a little more difficult why couldn`t they be original about it as well? Ahhh and Zombies are intelligent/Smart enough to use weaponry! What!
