Comments on: Kid Icarus: Uprising Review Online Gaming Magazine! Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: seacarlson Sat, 31 Mar 2012 00:10:53 +0000 You make a good point. :)

And while the game as a whole is fantastic (the above review mentions that), I personally found the controls to be clumsy, hampering, and at times, painful. Different doesn’t always equal bad (case in point: The World Ends With You). In this game’s case, different means distracting from the wonderful experience presented by its high-end production values. It really is a well thought-out control style; but it still is uncomfortable and clumsy. To me, anyway. :)

By: Myx Thu, 29 Mar 2012 07:11:59 +0000 it seems to be very modern to say kid icarus got a horrible steering, which is just not true. different does not equal bad. it’s all about the human brain. there are brains that are slick and there are brains that can only do what they’ve known and change is bad.

instead of bashing a control scheme one is not familiar with, article writers should praise the fact that this is the control scheme that fits the handheld the most. i am missing fingerpoints to crapcom who brought their circle pad addon because they did not want to spend resources by implementing this control scheme into their monster hunter or revelaitons (pun) and rather put out a questionable hardware addon.

the paradigms in the brains of humans is the biggest obstacle for mankind to reach a better future. it starts with the little things like an unfamiliar control scheme.. and where does it end? just take a good look at the world, it’s always the same reason ;-)
