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Game Reviewers & Gaming Experts Needed

Calling all computer and video gaming experts who enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise with the gaming community!

That’s right, inMotion Gaming is looking for passionate gamers to contribute to this website by writing game reviews, sharing gaming news (see below), or even just contributing to the forums.

So if you’ve ever thought of becoming a professional gamer, game reviewer, or you just want to take your gaming to the next level, then keep reading…

Computer & Video Gaming Image

Must I be a Professional Gamer?

No, of course not! You just need to love gaming, be knowledgeable about the video game industry, and be willing to keep up to date with the latest game releases.

But I am not a Professional Writer

No problem at all! That’s what editors are for… ;-)

You certainly don’t need to be an English literature major – in fact you don’t need to be a great writer at all, but you should definitely enjoy writing. The rest will come with practice.

Will I Get Paid to Write Game Reviews?

Unfortunately not… At the moment we are only looking for volunteer writers who are interested in making a name for themselves in the gaming world.

We are in this for the love of gaming, and don’t make any money from this website.

So what’s in it for Me Then?

If you have always wanted to be a writer, but weren’t sure how to get started, this is a great opportunity for you to practice, and to get experience in the world of online copywriting. We will also build you as an authority in the gaming niche, which could be the start of even bigger things to come.

Also, if you own your own website, you will get valuable links back to your website, which will be great for your rankings and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Gaming Platforms

We are interested in experts in any of the game technologies and platforms from Sony Playstation (PS3), Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo, Wii, Wii U, PS Vita, 3DS and more…

Experts in Gaming hardware and game developers are also welcome, especially if you want to promote a new game.

inMotion inSider

We have built a dedicated group and forum called the inMotion inSider where anyone can share interesting gaming news from around the web. We encourage you to register and follow this group to get notified of the latest un-biased news hot off the press.

Note: Spamming any of our groups or forums without adding value will result in your post and account being deleted.

Get your Game On!

If any of this gets you excited or just mildly curious even, get in touch with us today, or leave a comment below!

The inMotion Gaming Team


PS: If you enjoyed this article, help spread the word by clicking the “Like”, “Tweet”, “+1” buttons, or sharing it using the share icons below. Want to read more articles like this? Subscribe to iMG, and get our articles and reviews directly to your inbox or RSS reader.






Leave A Reply
  1. JJfourie (gooch) says
    19/10/2011, 11:48 pm

    Sounds good, I always wanted to write game reviews but never had the guts to do it! Although I’m not a writer or never would be interested in publishing my life story (who want’s to read a book about a 30 something guy just playing games the whole day!) it would be nice to get paid for it…..pc games abit all platform games are so expensive that it would be a pain to buy a new game every time just to write about it! (and yes I know some trolls will come on here blabbing about “so download a demo you lazy duche!”) but demo’s are limited and anyone can download a demo and play it without reading a review wich would make this website pointless eh?

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      20/10/2011, 12:50 am

      Hey Gooch,

      Thanks for your response! You’ve come to the right place if you want to have a crack at writing game reviews etc… ;-)

      I totally hear you about the cost of games, and trying to offset the purchase costs of the games you want to review. We of course will do our best to make sure this is a viable long term solution for you, although I would suggest that we test the waters first by starting off with the games that you are already playing…

      We will be in touch with you by email shortly!


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  2. Sai Prathap says
    13/12/2011, 5:46 am

    Hi, i was wondering if your were still in need of game reviewers, because i am highly interested in playing games, and would also like to start reviewing games, but the problem is that i cannot afford many games, so if i was lent a review copy of a game, or at least given a discount, i would gladly join your website, make interesting reviews and also advertise your website if needed, as all of my friends are gamers, and 90% of them check game review sites before buying games, so i would gladly link them to this site for reviews, and they could pass it on to others

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      13/12/2011, 6:09 am

      Hi Sai,

      Thank you very much for your response and interest in our website.

      We most certainly are still looking for game reviewers and contributors for our website.

      We won’t be able to provide the games for you at this point though, as we are still trying to establish ourselves. However we will be in touch with you soon to see if we can figure out a solution that will work for you.


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  3. Profile photo of Omnifex
    Omnifex says
    17/01/2012, 6:48 pm

    Greetings from Germany,
    I hope writers are still needed, because during my studies I’ve got a little time and my english-tutor told me to just write in English for practice… so hey!
    I’m playing flash games nearly every day, since my laptop is not too young ( about 7 years, I’m glad it’s running Minecraft) and “big games” would strike it dead. But flash works without problems. I was always interested in games and working with games is fun. I don’t need any payment, because I’m no professional writer, so need to waste your money. :)
    I’m mostly playing flash games on so I would review some games from there. Right now I think I’m able to do one or two reviews a week (studies… meh)
    Maybe I’ll be able to capture some videos (haven’t tried it on the laptop).

    So, guten Abend (good evening) says Omnifex

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      17/01/2012, 7:02 pm

      Gruesse aus Sued Afrika Omnifex!

      Es freud uns dich auf unsere webseite zu sehen… ;-)

      Ok, just kidding… let me not embarrass myself any further… LOL

      Yeah, we are definitely still looking for game writers and reviewers, and you are most welcome to use us to practice your English, as your teacher suggests. I do edit the content before publishing, so perhaps you can see the changes I suggest and it could help you improve your writing.

      Plus, I don’t have anyone to write about flash games yet, so go for it my friend! Send me what you’ve got, as you get it done… I will do my best to publish them timeously.



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  4. Profile photo of
    Justin H says
    29/01/2012, 3:02 pm

    Writing has always been my strength and I would love to actually share my expertise about gaming to the rest of the world. Though I’m not a professional writer yet, I actually want to do more than just write for the games industry; I also want to get into other forms of writing as well such as screenwriting.

    Writing about the industry seriously, not just reviewing games but also writing in depth opinion pieces as well really interests me. I know you won’t be able to provide games for me to review(at this point anyway), but a lot of new games I end up buying or renting anyway so no worries there.

    If i could contribute in any way possible, I would love to. I kind of need something to do anyway, If I had to review a game I would probably finish a lot of my games much more quickly. So would writing for your site maybe be a possibility? (say yes please)

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      29/01/2012, 8:38 pm

      YES! :-)

      Justin, the mere fact that you are so keen, and that you have ambitions to be a great writer is absolutely perfect for us!

      So go ahead and shoot us an email from the contact form, and let’s get you reviewing games… We will do our best to be a great platform for you to get your start in the writing world… :-)


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  5. Martin K says
    06/02/2012, 10:15 pm

    Dear IMG,

    Reading and writing hasn’t never been my strongest skill. Alternatively, I relied heavily on my voice to carry me. However, I believe that writing is a skill that must be mastered, It plays a critical roll in all of our lives. I push daily to strengthen my weaknesses and focus on bettering myself.

    Like Aristotle said
    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

    I believe with my voice, knowledge and experience I could offer InMotion Gaming a unique type of skill set. I have done a few review in my past and am looking for a chance of a life time. I do serious ‘First Look’ reviews as well as semi-serious review reports or videos filled with my own sense of comedy and humor.

    Now let us bow our heads in prayer…

    Our Gamer, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy controller. Thy game be won, Thy will be done On consoles as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily power up And forgive us our head shots As we forgive those who head shot against us. Lead us not into spike traps, but deliver us from evil, For thine is the thumb of power and glory, Now and forever, Amen.

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      06/02/2012, 10:32 pm

      Martin K, you have come to the right website then… we are all about giving people opportunities that they otherwise might not get. If you are keen, motivated and willing to give it your best shot, so will we…

      We look forward to exploring your unique skill set…

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  6. Josh T says
    12/02/2012, 10:04 pm

    Hello inMotion Gaming,

    I am a serious gamer, who is very passionate about what it means to be a gamer and what gaming can mean to people. I have been playing console games for as long as I can remember and it is a very important part of my life. I have been pretty much restricted to PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360 (with some Kinect games) and Wii, due to not being able to afford more! My dream is to live and breathe games, but this does not mean that I want to just play games all day.

    Writing has been an outlet for my thoughts for years, as I find it easier to type what I’m thinking rather than actually say it, resulting in an honest form of writing which I pride myself on. I have written a few game reviews in the past, basing the style on other reviews which have impressed me, or stood out in some way. I have found that there is no such thing as a “bad game”, just different games that serve their purpose. The challenge is finding out what a games purpose is!

    Ninety-Nine-Nights (N3) is a great example of a “bad game”, which in technical and contextual terms is awful, and to anyone using a formula would score very low. However, it is a great game to play and if you’re looking for hours of basic mash-em-up, adrenaline-fuelled, button-bashing fun at a reasonable price; it’s perfect.

    This comment has actually lasted a lot longer than I intended! If you are interested, and would consider giving me the opportunity to “get my foot in the door” as it were, please let me know! If you have any other questions or would like to know anything else, ask away!

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,

    Josh T

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      13/02/2012, 12:45 am

      Hey Josh, thanks for taking the time to post here, and for reaching out to us.

      It sounds like you could be a good addition to our team. We will be in touch with you shortly.


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  7. JR (azedo) says
    07/04/2012, 4:39 am

    Hey, I really liked the idea of being a videogame reviewer, and we all need some place to start, which is easier with the support of websites like yours. I may not be very consistent at some times (because of school, and music projects) but every time I can, I’d write something for you. The only problem would be about the variety: I don’t own a lot of games, and I’m limited about paying for new ones, and I could ask for some loans from friends, but it would be hard anyway. If you decide for me to write for you, I’ll do what I can with what I’ve got, but maybe in the future if you see me as someone reliable, you could help me with that issue. So yeah… tell me something. Thanks, hasta ;D

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      07/04/2012, 10:36 am

      Hey JR, thanks for expressing an interest in becoming a game reviewer. We totally understand that volunteer reviewers will have limited time and resources. There are absolutely no expectations as far as frequency of reviews go. It is completely up to you to write when you want to, and as often or seldom as you like. There is no pressure from our side in this regard. We are just here to give gamers an opportunity if they want it.

      As far as affording and buying games goes, we also understand this issue. However, most gamers are in a similar position as you are, so we won’t be able to buy games for everyone at this point. However, if in the future we see that you are showing extraordinary talent, and you have the potential to become one of our regular contributors, we would consider helping you out where we can as far as games go.

      In the meantime, we would suggest just reviewing any new games you are able to afford, or borrow, and let’s see how things go.

      If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know.


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      • JR (azedo) says
        07/04/2012, 6:14 pm

        Yes, will you accept game reviews that you still don’t have in you website, that aren’t exactly new? Because there are games I can already review for you, which you don’t have yet. Plus, do you have any rule about number of words in each review? Because I’d like to know when I’m going to far, or not far enough, and how to send you guys. I could tell how much I love gaming, but I think you’ll see that in my commitment and reviews.

        Thanks for your time, sincerely JR.

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        • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
          07/04/2012, 10:18 pm

          Yes JR, we will accept reviews that aren’t new, however we can’t prioritize them for publishing, as the new stuff has to be released as soon as we get it. But reviews of games that are more than a few months probably won’t make it onto our site at this point in time, as we don’t have the resources to keep up with publishing current games and old games at the same time. This might change in the future though.

          Reviews should be at least 500 words long, but can be as long as needed to thoroughly review a game, but without being unnecessarily long. I hope this makes sense.

          You can email your reviews to us, along with any appropriate images you might have. To connect with us by email, submit a message through our contact form.


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  8. Kendall says
    05/06/2012, 4:52 am

    It’s been sometime since this was posted, but if you’re still looking for writers I’m definitely interested. I’m going to school for game development and communication so I definitely want to start writing so I can get a better grasp on the industry as well as getting my name out there. I play a lot of new games and go to a few midnight releases every year so I think I can offer some good material. So by all means, if you need more writers let me know and I’ll get to work!

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      05/06/2012, 7:58 pm

      Hi Kendall,

      We are definitely still interested in passionate contributors, and you certainly do seem to have an interesting background which positions you quite well for this.

      So please feel free to get in touch with us directly regarding submitting game articles and reviews.



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  9. Zach says
    12/06/2012, 11:46 pm

    Hi, I have a passion for video games and i am very tech savvy. So if you have any open positions as a video game reviewer please contact me back. Thanks.

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      13/06/2012, 12:21 am

      Hi Zach,

      Thanks for your interest in iMG.

      You are welcome to send us your reviews and articles to look at.



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  10. Maviael Jimenez says
    09/08/2012, 6:21 am

    I love Your Site. Thanks The Good content :)

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      14/08/2012, 7:32 pm

      Thank you for the kind words Maviael… we really appreciate your positive feedback and support!

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  11. Profile photo of Charlie Linwood
    14/08/2012, 6:13 pm

    I would love to write reviews for this website, as I would like to get my opinions out to people. Some games that I own and enjoy, others have not even heard of for some reason. I have many games that range across the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC and would like to share my knowledge and opinion of these games with others

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      14/08/2012, 7:28 pm

      Hi Charlie,

      Thanks for your interest in iMG. We have rcieved your message and will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


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  12. JR(azedo) says
    14/10/2012, 9:49 pm

    Hey man,

    A year ago (more or less), I started to talk to you in inMotionGaming about writting for you, but at certain point you (I don’t remember who) told me that the site was going to be “suspended” for a while. I still want to write for you, but I want to know what to do, and if this time I’m taken “seriously”.

    Much Regards, JR

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      14/10/2012, 10:50 pm

      Hi JR,

      I think you are confusing us with another website. iMG has NEVER talked about being suspended, nor have we suspended our service, that I can assure you. As you can see in the comments above, we responded to you positively and we take anyone seriously who is prepared to take their writing seriously.

      So if you are ready to take this seriously, then get in touch with us by email again, not in the public comments on this article.

      Thank you.

      PS: Just a word of advice, if you really want people to take you seriously and invest time in you, your comment above is not the way to go about it…. nobody likes negativity, especially not the iMG team.

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      • JR(azedo) says
        14/10/2012, 11:02 pm

        It wasn’t my intention to show negativity, my sincere apologies. As to the suspention, I meant that someone told me that they weren’t going to pay much attention to the gaming site (for I’ve been told you had other websites related to various topics). I’m not doubting your words, I’m just saying what I’ve heard from iMG.

        But about writting to you, what do you want me to send you in the e-mail? What kind of information do you want me to give you, how many reviews, etc..

        Thanks, JR

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        • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
          14/10/2012, 11:32 pm

          Just tell us which games you are interested in reviewing or writing about and we will get back to you. But please DON’T do it in the comments here, as there are lots of people subscribed to this thread and they don’t need to be harassed by a back and forth discussion that is of no interest to them. You already have our email address, so send it by email, otherwise use the contact form.

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  13. The Inbetweeners says
    21/10/2012, 2:33 pm

    Hi iMG team. Would love to write reviews for your website to reach out to gamers that need something to entertain there urge until the next best game is released, what I call the Inbetweener, doing reviews for x360 games that didnt really get that much publicity or absolutly no advertisment at all that are still very new to the market. My intentions in writing reviews is to better my portfolio to become a game tester and what better way to do that than to become a recognised game reviewest. Thank you very much for reading sorry for any mistakes but the comment box i have on my e63 nokia only fits 4 letters per line lol. Is there a mobile app for this site yet? Would be cool if not. Anyways thank you again.

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  14. iWeepingAngel (Sharon) says
    21/10/2012, 8:57 pm

    Hi I am a very keen female gamer, I am member of a gaming community which is for the mature gamer. I have always wanted to review new games or games that have bee out for awhile. I have limited funds as I amnot working at the moment, so can only rent new games. I
    am willing to became a game reviewer as I love the gaming industry, so I would love to write reviews for your website, as I would like to get my opinions out to people. Some games that I own and enjoy, others have not even heard of for some reason. I have many games that range across the Xbox 360, DSi and mobile gaming as I have a windows phone and would like to share my knowledge and opinion of these games with others

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      22/10/2012, 4:57 am

      Hi Sharon,

      Feel free to get in touch with us by email if you wish to conribute to our site.


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  15. Bonnie says
    01/11/2012, 9:50 pm

    I”m totally new when it comes to the new technology of gaming. I have a key eye when it comes to details in video games. I always loved to play video games since at a very young age, but didn’t really know that you could actually play them for a career, or even something like a game reviewer even existed. I’m 27 years old, so I’m hoping that it doesn’t matter about the age. I would love to volunteer to get some kind of an idea as to what it takes to be a game reviewer. The only system that I currently have is the DSI System. If I could afford it, I would love to get my hands on other systems once I have more of a general idea as to what is expected to be a game reviewer.


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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      02/11/2012, 1:48 am

      Hi Bonnie,

      Age is defintely not a factor or issue in any way, so feel free to send us an email with some ideas of games you would like to write about.


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  16. Ree Medeiros says
    05/05/2013, 1:22 am

    Hey I’ve actually been looking for a good site to do some reviews on. Unfortunately many have too many reviewers. I have the time and the materials to review content and report back game information five days a week, considering I’m a fire fighter. I strive towards Rts and Rpg, some examples include The Elder Scrolls Series, Dark Souls and Demon Souls, Command and Conquer, Starcraft and many other amazing titles. Dont get me wrong though, as I love First person shooters like Doom, Counter Strike and the amazingly done Bioshocks.

    I’m very interested to expand the worlds the gaming together and inspire players to try different things! I’d love to write Weekly reviews and expand the gaming as well as the viewer community. I’m exited to hear back from you guys.

    Xbox, PS3, Pc
    Ree Medeiros
    Reno, Nevada

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      09/05/2013, 2:02 am

      Hi Ree, this sounds great. Send us an email and we’ll get back to you.


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  17. TACO says
    17/08/2013, 10:53 am

    Writing is one my strength and I would love to be able share my expertise and opinion about gaming and other “geeky” stuff with others.I do not have any note worthy past experience in reviewing but I’m very passionate about video games and and I’m confident in my skills as a writer and I believe this would be a great opportunity to develop my skills a s reviewer.Thank for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear back from you.
    P.S I also sent you a message through “get in touch” link not sure if you got it any I await your reply.

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    • Profile photo of inMotion Gaming
      17/08/2013, 3:50 pm

      Hi Taco,

      Our apologies for not getting back to you sooner. At this time we aren’t taking on new writers, but we’ll be sure to get in touch with you as soon as we are ready.


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  18. TACO says
    17/08/2013, 4:05 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to read my submission.

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  19. tangowhisky says
    16/03/2014, 11:50 pm

    Hi I know this is an old post but I was wondering if this offer was still open I am a passionate gamer and would enjoy reviewing games and don’t need pay. Thanks.

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Respond to Charlie Linwood